Char Chinar Grey clouds swallow the white-robed mountains the four chinars on the little island are whirling dervishes singing their swan song and collapsing in a heap their ghosts rise to home in the fog and shower their blessings
I float lost on the lake in search of the absent foursome
Chashme Shahi
Are these cumulated tears of joy
springing straight from the pulsating heart of the mountain
deep blind wells lazing in the lows amid the highs
lukewarm in winter peppermint cool in summer
Manna from the heavens said the Moghul
Drink and be young always Listen to the cautious call of the mountain
I hear explosions instead see the rocks rupturing
rivers of vipers and snails gushing out of the cracked earth
eternally making space for tunnels, trucks and trains which carry us to smart cities
Alongside the myth of eternal youth Chashme Shahi lies abandoned
A poet, critic and artist, Sukrita Paul Kumar (born in Kenya) has published several collections of poems, translations and critical books. Her most recent collections of poems are Salt & Pepper, Vanishing Words and Dream Catcher. An invited poet at the International Writing Programme (IOWA, USA) and a poet-in-residence in Hong Kong, she is a former Fellow of IIAS, Shimla. A recipient of many fellowships and residencies, she held the prestigious Aruna Asaf Ali Chair at the University of Delhi. Currently she is the guest editor of the journal Indian Literature and co-editor of the “Writer in Context” series of volumes, published by Routledge UK.