Objects are comforting, so gently tangible. I wish it was possible to hold a piece of one’s peace, or the pinpoint of one’s wish on which you could prick your finger and bleed from touching it. Or the molecules of one’s love between which you could fall and leave a you-shaped hole in them and gravity is your angel and God is travelling light аt 299 792 458 m / s suitcases full of lullabies and Hubble polaroids, an abundance of caramels and sweat. It is impossible to be longing and belonging at the same time. Look at that fast darkness sticky and dissonant like tar or a group of people. I dip my hands in it and I try to send colors back from where they came from, where there are no objects or their warm atomic embrace
I want to learn every new love these children invent, every new kind, every cyberpunk kindness, every lead leader, every better burden, every benevolent rage,
my old age is a supernova.
Macedonian and English version of the poem are by the author, part of a poetry experiment of simultaneous writing in more than one language, not actual translation.
I am a wind, wild. I am a child. At night when I dream of gravity and weigh endlessly, I want to see how the spider in my room dies slowly, trapped in its own cobweb.
I see how its useless movements become slower and can’t suppress my smile, I am a wind, wild, and see things like a child. I see how my spider falls prey to what it knitted,
and surrenders fully. Like all the insects among its ropes, it gives in finally and falls in love with its cobweb.
It becomes gravity and weighs endlessly, it kills its own web, it kills its own lace
and now knows it must eat itself.
Translation from Macedonian by Zoran Anchevski
Iva Damjanovski (1996) – poet, pianist and thereminist from Skopje. She has published three poetry books. Her second poetry book was awarded the prestigious Miladinov Brothers Award at the Struga Poetry Evenings Festival (2020). Her poetry has been translated into ten world languages. She is also part of the duo Alembic, whose first album was published in 2022. Currently she is doing a master’s degree in Musicology at the University of Trento, Italy and one in Piano Interpretation and Composition at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.