Life Ties we were going where the names fell into disuse with everybody from now and past if circumstances fall behind to be able to decorate the reality Our intimacy was noticed a hyacinth was shooting up in the anniversary of dead we knew who to call habits were curbing us daily affairs, dealings we had to keep quiet when we were asked we were not allowed to speak of the life which is not ours memories were derelict to cool down no one could separate us even in the photographs we were not allowed to share your happy moments there were also troubles to tell always there and ready to listen Translated by Gökçenur Ç
At Who the Benjamin’s Bag Was Left ? thereat the word “reality” was in the news we proffered to be serious and dignified nobody saw us laughing we were known by our names thereat Turkish was spoken we were not aware in which upcountry we are living cliff-hangers were the dream’s land our daughters were cross-eyed, mother at seventeen whose life ended before saying a single phrase thereat being religious was in vogue dining pray always turned up at tables payrolls were signed, at nine to five jobs our wives never washed with sunlight rakı was drunken while listening radio thereat we lived with the pain of attaching the life importance he haven’t been snatched away from our identities we were remains of war, the ones who left medical school no one met anyone who recognizes our face they last saw us in women dresses Gümüşlük 2011 Translated by Gökçenur Ç
Metin Celâl was born in 1961 in Ankara. He studied Petroil Engineering in ODTÜ and Journalism in Istanbul University. He worked as a director, redactor and general manager in various publishing houses and literary reviews. He also worked in the board of some literary reviews. He prepared antologies and dictionaries. Since 1979 his essays and poems are being published at literary reviews. His poems were translated into 10 different languages and published as book in French and German. He still serves as a director of one publishing house. Poetry books: Adım Ölüm (My name is death) (1986), Kendi Kendini Tatmin (Self-satisfaction) (1989), Konformist(Conformist) (1993), Küçük Hayat Bağları (Tiny Life Connections) (1999), Herkes Kendine Yabancı (Everybody is stranger in himself) (Toplu şiirler/Collected Poems/ 1999, 2011)
Novels: Ne Güzel Çocuklardık Biz/How beautifull children we were (2000), Gitmek Zamanı/Time to departure (2003), Seni Sevdiğimi Biliyorsun /You know how much I love you (2005), Fazladan Bir Adam/One more man (2010). Hayatın Ucu/AtThe end of life (2019).
Critic books: Yeni Türk Şiiri (1999)/New Turkish Poetry. Şiir Ustalardan Öğrenilir/Poetry is learnt by masters (2007)