Pisei o solo de Valência e chorei como uma criança talvez tivesse olhado para o céu, mais uma vez, enquanto as lágrimas me queimavam a pele.
Este sou eu, o negro de carne ulcerada Esta é a ferida que resta de um homem um animal doente, soçobrando nos escombros da sua memória.
Pisei o solo de Valência e chorei como uma criança deixei para trás os meus mortos para trás a minha língua e os meus sonhos, a minha amada, morrendo sob os golpes dos seus algozes.
Arrival to Valencia
I stepped on the ground of Valencia and wept like a child Perhaps I had glanced to the sky, once more, While tears burnt my skin.
This is me, the darkness of ulcerated flesh This is my wound What is left of a man A sick animal, kneeling In the wreckage of his memory.
I stepped on the ground of Valencia and wept like a child Left my dead behind Behind my tongue And my dreams, My soul, dying By the blows of its executioners.
Abate diário
Porque só se pode sonhar no lugar de um outro, escrevo e ainda assim sucumbo numa mudez sem saída porque a língua não salva o olhar nem a mão, nenhuma mão, pode tocar-te.
Percorres, de olhos no chão, essa linha traçada pela promessa pela qual trocaste todo o dinheiro trazendo os filhos, a quem, sorrindo, falaste de um novo mundo longe da guerra longe da fome
esperaste longos dias à deriva enquanto a criança morria nos braços da mãe e a terra se avistava ao longe
cantaste, baixinho, enquanto choravas e vestias a mortalha do olhar deus, esse deus, onde estava agora? Nenhum canto nenhum salmo o vento calou-se sob o mar
Mais tarde seria um outro no lugar de um outro, sem fim, a luz do mar é cruel, senhor e a terra está cada vez mais próxima mas os lábios secam, a fome devasta as noites são frias frias
deus, esse deus, o deus dos outros, onde estava agora?
A terra está tão perto os olhos cegaram-me de tanto olhar a luz deste mar a promessa fez-se noite e canto, baixinho, um salmo à espera que ele nos responda
deus, esse deus, abandonou-nos? A terra estava tão perto. À distância de um sonho.
Daily slaughter
Because one can only dream in someone else’s place, I write and still succumb on a muteness without an exit because the language doesn’t save the gaze nor the hand, no hand, can touch you.
You go through, with eyes on the ground, That line drawn by promise For which you traded all money for Bringing children, To whom, smiling, you talked to Of a new world Far from war far from hunger
You have waited long days adrift While the child died in the arms of the mother And the land was seen from afar
You sang, quietly, while crying And dressed the shroud of gaze God, that God, where was He now? No choirs no psalms The wind went quiet over the sea
Later would be another one In the place of another one, endless, The sea’s light is cruel, Lord And land keeps getting closer But lips are drying, hunger devastates The nights are cold cold
God, that God, the God of others, where was He now?
The land is so close The eyes blind me Of staring at the sea’s light The promise made itself night And I sing, quietly, a psalm Waiting for an answer
God, that God, has forsaken us? The land was so close. At the distance of a dream.
Maria João Cantinho (Portugal) was born in 1963 in Lisbon. PhD in Philosophy, she has published 4 poetry, 2 essay and 4 fiction books. She teaches, is a literary critic and essayist, she writes regularly for prestige publications such as JL (Jornal de Letras), Colóquio-Letras, and so forth. She is an executive editor of an online magazine, Caliban. She has received the Glória de Sant'Anna award in 2017 for her book "Do Ínfimo" (poetry), which was also nominated in 2017 for the portuguese PEN Club award. In 2020 she received the portuguese PEN club award for best essay with her book " Walter Benjamin, Melancolia e Revolução". She is a member of the APE (Portuguese association of writers), of the portuguese PEN club and of the APCL (Portuguese Association of Literary Critics).