I’m no sweet singer, I am the nimble swindler of love, with under her the hate and on top, a cackling mate.
politics is born of lyricism, and I am nothing but rebellion’s bellman with the tainted fodder of my mysticism, deceit that nurses virtue back from health.
as I report the velvet poets’ meek and humanistic demise, the weeping hangmen’s iron throats all open for a musical reprise.
yet I, who live in this volume like a rat in a trap, long for the sewers of revolution and cry: rhyme-rats, pillory, pillory this far too pretty school of poetry.
I strive by poetic means that is to say simplicity’s luminous waters to express the abundance of life in its entirety
if I had not been a man equal to the mass of mankind but if the I that I was had been the angel of stone or liquid birth and decay would not have touched me the road from abandonment to community the stones stones birds birds animals animals road would not be as soiled as now in my poems which are snapshots of that road
in this day what has always been called beauty beauty has burnt her face she no longer consoles mankind she consoles larvae reptiles rats but frightens mankind and subdues it with the realisation of being a breadcrumb on the apron of the universe
no longer is it only evil the thrust to the heart that makes us cower or rebel but good as well an embrace too makes us fumble in desperation at that abundance
this is why I sought out language in its beauty where I heard that it was no more human than the lisp of shadow the stutter of deafening sunlight
the ancient sings:
there is not more in little neither is there less what was is still uncertain what will be will be will-less it must first be to be in earnest remembering is no refuge and haste remains in place
everything of value is vulnerable enriched by being touchable and always on a line
like the heart of time like the heart of time
Lucebert (1924-1994) was one of the leading figures, if not the leading figure in the Vijftigers and known for rich complex poetry in which rhythm and sound matter more than unambiguous meaning. His work remains influential in Dutch poetry to this day. He was also a painter with close links to Cobra, and for a long period from the late fifties concentrated on this as his chief artistic expression. A multi-volume bilingual edition of his collected poetry in the translation of Diane Butterman is currently in production at Green Integer, with the first volume published in 2010.
The originals of ‘the school of poetry’, ‘I strive by poetic means’ and ‘the ancient sings’ are in verzamelde gedichten, De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 2002