Can I eat this plane sandwich that my sister left when returning from her journey
This sandwich which has flown over two continents and one ocean which has flown far more than I will ever walk or swim
Maybe I will taste a little of the clouds if I try this bread which has been higher than the land beneath it higher than all states, cities and people with invisible edges and borders Which has been higher than all heights I will ever reach like the grains of wheat in it that have seen more than the pilots, the stewardesses and all the passengers under the plane Will my stomach digest the whole sky if I eat this simple bread
Translated from Macedonian by Gorjan Kostovski
I am a tourist in my body and I have no map in my hands Someone that will accidentally pass by will show me the way to the museum quarter to the large parks, the square to the river that flows in my name What do I do in the meantime I'm drinking macchiato in a quiet coffee bar and thumbing through the daily newspapers written in a language I never learned Always, I remember, when I would be returning from a trip the sky would brighten, the sun would fall on the marble angels and only then would I notice the smiles on their faces
Translated from Macedonian by Katerina Tanovska
Nikolina Andova Shopova (1978) – poet and prose author. She has published two books of poetry and two novels. Her first poetry book was awarded with the prestigious Bridges of Struga Award of UNESCO and the Struga Poetry Evenings Festival. In 2019 she received the Novel of the Year Award for her first novel Someone Was Here, awarded by the Slavko Janevski Foundation for promotion of cultural values. She also writes short stories and picture books for children.