I know that those who drink my coffee later hang themselves.
Now the weather is so evil and the waves so high I sing the virtues of the sea without end.
I call her the silver-smooth mother of all things and depth without malevolence and bride to all the lonely and sea of all that is good.
Later in port I’ll go back to calling her a whore and a stinking stuck-up bitch.
Jan Arends(1925-1974) was a poet, short-story writer and translator whose work was heavily influenced by his disadvantaged background, wartime deprivations and post-war poverty. He led an isolated and tormented existence and was institutionalised several times before finally jumping to his death from his Amsterdam flat. His short but highly evocative oeuvre still attracts readers and foreign publication.
The originals of ‘I write poems’, ‘I have a house’ and ‘Now the weather’ are in Vrijgezel op kamers, Verzameld werk, Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 2003