Immensity of you on our common paths finding you again and wrapping my arms around you promised to my caresses and my forays the singular journey to the limits of our simple affair we erect higher and higher
Immensity of you and me in the simplest of our gestures half of the universe held by our wild famished fingers between hunger and hunger
to quench our thirsts we must master the herbs of silence unearth the slightest of desires allow this crazy pace to bore holes into us
Immensity of you our dyslexia of the quotidian transfiguration of vain undertakings the basest of our needs missing pieces of the sentimental puzzle of poetics
Immensity of you and me skin against skin the finest of your threads roundness of your planes and the mane of your month of May
breast mouth lip the various fruits without taint of omertà bones blood flesh entanglement the hollow of your back
Immensity of you at times as I return to you as love fragile and broken always present and dancing forgive the darkness of my clouds my powerlessness
Immensity of you forever and ever we with our murmurings sharing totally intermingling ruggedly
At times I write in rhyme At times I write in rhyme Often it’s just a dream Often it’s just a dream Stress never leaves my fingers Never leaves my fingertips
I love to read book after book I love to read book after book I travel the world whistle and smile I travel the world whistle and smile I never waste my time Never waste my time
Expectancy is solid and firm Expectancy is solid and firm I am no pundit at some crossroad I am no pundit at some crossroad I am no guru people sigh for My dream is a sky on fire
Thierry Renard was born in Lyon, France, on 14 August 1963. His mother of Italian origin was from the Piemont region, and his father from Lyon. He studied to be an actor at the Conservatoire d’art dramatique of Lyon. His work as an actor and poet was noticed as early as 1978. He is managing director of Espace Pandora in Vénissieux (Rhône).