Guest Editor for ISSUE-XV : Peycho Kanev
Peycho Kanev
Peycho Kanev is the Editor In Chief of Kanev Books and is currently based in Chicago. His poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and in more than 500 literary magazines, such as: Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, The Monongahela Review, The Coachella Review, Midwest Literary Review, Third Wednesday, The Mayo Review, The Cleveland Review, Loch Raven Review, In Posse Review, Mascara Literary Review and many others.
He has been nominated for the Pushcart Award and Best of the Net. In 2009 his short story collection Walking Through Walls and in April 2010 his poetry collection American Notebooks were published in Bulgaria.
His poetry collection Bone Silence was released in September 2010 by Desperanto, NY. A new collection of his poetry, titled Requiem for One Night, will be published by Desperanto in 2012.
He has been nominated for the Pushcart Award and Best of the Net. In 2009 his short story collection Walking Through Walls and in April 2010 his poetry collection American Notebooks were published in Bulgaria.
His poetry collection Bone Silence was released in September 2010 by Desperanto, NY. A new collection of his poetry, titled Requiem for One Night, will be published by Desperanto in 2012.