The birch bracket is a decomposer the birch cannot escape the bracket lives on dead birch wood the red ant keeps me awake
The ladybird tastes badly the birch butterfly is hiding in light and darkness on the birch trunk
The birch leaves and the birch trunk the sweet fern tastes of soil and liquorice the sorrel keeps me awake the birch cannot escape
The phenols of the leaves defend the birch from parasites I chew and swallow chemical transformation
Translated from Swedish by the author and Peter Törnqvist
Cast a glance at the goldeneye, the grebe a glance at the heron The reed belt quivers on the other shore You are the first human you travel towards the end
Would you like to be the flow or become the scheme for this flow Would you like to follow or let it all stream against your shins
Silt, sediment dead wood still exist You are a human, you contain multitudes With the sun in your back and streaming water up to your knees you spot the whirligig beetle dance inside your shadow in the guts
It’s not too late to pick up a black stone from the bottom of the river let the stone dry brighten in your hand
Translated from Swedish by the author and Peter Törnqvist
Pär Hansson was born 1970 in Vännäs, Västerbotten County, in Northern Sweden. He has published six collections of poetry at Norstedts Publishing House: Ruckel/Hovel, Familjekista/Family Chest, Lavinflaggor/Avalanche Flags, Motorsågsminne/ Chainsaw Memories, Vi plockar bär i civilisationen/Berrypicking Poems and Kajak/Kayak. His works have been included in anthologies and published in literary magazines in Sweden and abroad, with translations in English, Estonian, Bosnian, French, German, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish and Malayalam. The spoken word is essential for his writing. Reading the poems out aloud in different spaces has been part of his poetic practice since his debut in 1998. He now lives in Stockholm where he organizes readings on his veranda and teaches creative writing at Folk University of Gotland. 2015–17 Hansson participated in Versopolis, an EU-supported network of poets and poetry festivals. He is a board member of Swedish Writers Union where he arranges translation workshops with Sami and Swedish poets.