И молились ему, Пока не рассеялся в листве, Унёсшейся в небеса. Разверзлись они, Рухнула из них тишина, Набухла, аки десна, И звук прорезался Из неё, Похожий на плач ветра. И поминали его горящие свечи, И кланялись ему лезвиями огней.
There was a wind. And they prayed to him, Until it dissipated in foliage, That flew into the sky. The sky opened, Silence collapsed from him. Swelled as gums From which the sound tries to escape, Like a wind crying. And memorial candles were burning about him, And them luminous blades bowed to him.
(Translated from the russian into english by Eldar Akhadov)
2. И реки, как влажные черви, Скользя и свиваясь, текут, Сплетая озябшие верви В единый кромсающий жгут.
И ливни волнуют кромешный Доселе невидимый мир И носится ветер потешный, Молясь за святых и проныр.
Как будто нездешняя птица, Вот-вот постучится в окно… Ни с кем ничего не случится,
Ни с кем… ничего… не должно
And the rivers flow in the dark, sliding and intertwining, like damp worms, Trying to warm each other, They turn into a burning whip.
And night rain permeate and torments an invisible universe. And the crazy wind Prays for saints and sinners.
As if a non-local bird, About to knock on the window... Nothing will happen to anyone, With no one... nothing… should not happen
(Translated from the russian into english by Eldar Akhadov)
Eldar Akhadov was born in Baku in 1960. He lives in Krasnoyarsk (Russia). A member of the Union of Writers of Russia and other writers 'organizations of Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, a member of the Russian Geographical Society, Co-Chairman of the Literary Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia, a member of the PEN International Writing Club. The author of 63 books of poetry and prose. Laureate of the State Literary Prize of the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district, laureate of the National Prize “Silver Feather of Russia”, “For the Good of the World”, “North is a Country Without Borders”, silver medal of the IV All-Russian Literary Festival of Festivals and Silver medal of the IV Eurasia Literary Festival of Festivals.