1. Am colindat azi toată ziua galeriile comerciale - văd în jurul meu numai LUCRURI, am rămas cu gândul la ele … Îmi fac rugăciunea şi Dumnezeu îmi apare sub formă de geantă.
*** I’ve been roaming all day through boutiques – looking around I see nothing but THINGS, they abide in my mind... As I’m saying my prayers God is standing before me in the form of a handbag.
Am văzut o raţă cu şase pui în urma ei pe Cişmigiu - te-am sunat repede să vii să-i vedem împreună şi până-n momentul când ai apărut mi-am ferit ochii de imaginea lor.
*** I saw a duck with six ducklings in tow on the Cişmigiu pond – I gave you a call straight away and asked you to come so we’d see them together and up to the moment I saw you I averted my eyes from the scene.
Selection from the collection Omul de unică folosință / Disposable People (Galway Print, Ireland, 2009; Translation from Romanian by Florin Bican)
Denisa Duran (b. 1980) is the romanian author of five poetry books – the latest of which, “Învelit în propriul corp” (“Wrapped in Its Own Body”, 2016) was published in Bulgaria (Faber, 2018) and Spain (Sonámbulos Ediciones, 2019). She also created two performances: the trilingual radio work “Bucharest Nowadays is Beautiful, isn’t it?” - together with the Austrian composer Bruno Pisek and „I Tug at the Earth with my Hands” - together with the Polish photographer Sabina Guzik. Selections of her poems have been translated into seventeen languages. She lives in Bucharest, Romania, and works as a poet, literary translator and cultural manager.