The Enchanting Poet - Thomas Lux (ISSUE XXV)
Author of fourteen books of poems, Thomas Lux was the Bourne Professor of Poetry and the director of the McEver Visiting Writer's Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He was also a beloved long-time professor and director of the writing program at Sarah Lawrence College. His honors include the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award, a Guggenheim fellowship, three NEA fellowships, and the Robert Creeley Award.
Editor's Choice -Lynne Thompson (ISSUE XXV)
Winner of 2017 Tucson Festival of Books Literary Prize, the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize in 2016, and a Master Artist Fellowship from the City of Los Angeles for 2015-16, poet Lynne Thompson is the author of Start With a Small Guitar and Beg No Pardon, winner of the Perugia Book Award and the Great Lakes Colleges New Writers Award. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Ecotone, Prairie Schooner, African American Review, Crab Creek Review, and, Poetry, among others.
The Enchanting Poet - Gerrit Kouwenaar (ISSUE XXVI)
Gerrit Kouwenaar (1923-2014) first published in underground newspapers during the German occupation and came to prominence as one of the Vijftigers (the ‘Fifties Poets’, an experimental Dutch and Flemish literary movement of the 1950s, related to Cobra). His initially personal and social poetry developed towards abstraction and hermeticism, before becoming more clearly autobiographical again later in his life. His work has been translated into many languages.
Editor's Choice - Menno Wigman (ISSUE XXVI)
Menno Wigman (b. 1966) is one of the most respected and popular poets of his generation, attracting a wide audience for his books and readings. A former poet laureate of Amsterdam, Wigman is also active as a musician (in the 1980s he was a drummer in various punk bands), an editor and a translator. He has published five full-length collections, and won a number of prestigious prizes. Window-Cleaner Sees Paintings, an English selection of his work, was published in 2016.